Udders (1995)

The bathing beauty of Urk (1996)

Let's pray (1996)

Migrants (1996)

Heifers in the mist (1997)

The rest of the soul weighers (1993/1997)

The Mondrian caterpillars (1994)

The slow lanes (1994)

The thirst (1994)

The guardians (1994)

The lair (1996)

Shopping frenzy (1997)

The chargers (1996)

Scales (1998)

The hunters (1993/1998)

Cactusman (1998)

The prey (1998)

The crowd (2000)

Endangered species (2000)

The hive (1997)

Evolution (1994/1997)

In the jungle (1996)

Sofia suburbs (1996)

The long wait (1995)

The cathedral (1998)

Begging for light (1998)

The big fight (1993)

The mothers (1994)

My father and I (1995)

One sweet red afternoon (1995)

The source (1996)

La Maestà (1997)

Last date before the end of the world (1998)

In her world (1999)

Tillage (1997)

Casualty of war (1997)

The gate (1996)

In Vitro (1995)

The fishermen (1997)

Mars (1997)

La selva de las palabras (1998)

Learning to fly (1999)

The ships (1998)

To the promised land (1997)

The cliff (1998)

The Cage (1994/1997)

Walls have eyes (1994)

Heliotropism (1994)

Narcissi (1994)

The fan (1994/1996)

The cubicle workers (1997)

The dancers (1996)

The drink (1997)

Social climbing (1998)

Cleanliness (1998)

Rigor mortis (1998)

One idol (1998)

Indifference (1996/2000)

Lost people ! (1996/1999)

Stage fright (1999)

O Sonhador de Alfama (1997)

The house of the rising sun (1997)

The giant (1997)

Moving out (1997)

The eggs and the sand are isosurfacic equations. The egg equation is simply an ellipsoid (sqrt(x*x +y*y*0.5 +z*z) -5) with some 3D noise added. 3D noise was also added to the sand equation (a much more complex one). 3D noise is much better than "normal" modifications because it really alters the shape and not just simulates the bumps. It slows down the rendering, too...

Julia's Island (1997)

The Herd (1997)

Sine City (1998)

Mouseless (1999)

The wet bird (2000)

The gallery (1997)

The butterflies (1997)

The reading room (1997)

The swing (1997/1999)

To be born or not to be born (1997)

Atlas (1998)

The print (1998)

Breaking out (1998)

Holiday (1998)


First lights (1999)

The birth of an ocean (1999)

The streets of the Serengeti (1999)

The construction workers (1999/2000)

Waiting for Noah (1999)

The flood (1994/1999)

Lilith (1999)

Eve's morning (1999)

Harvest time (1999)


The Births of Z are a part or the universe of Z, a shape-shifting entity created for the Museum Hermeticum of Dominique de Bardonnèche. The graphic and literary ventures of Z can be seen and read in the Z-Files cabinet in the Museum Hermeticum.

The 7 births (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) were created in the following way :

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